台灣真實力”新創產業”參觀拜會之旅! 這一次,加西將深入台灣,走訪新世代行業。從文創,綠能,再到實際投入健檢,目的就是為我們廣大的會員,尤其是新一代的台商,探索更多的商機!請大家拭目以待! [...]
CTBOT welcomes Mr. Suo-Hang Chuang, the Vice Chairman of TAITRA (Taiwan External Trade Development Council) to Vancouver, and were honored to attend the banquet that evening. [...]
In conversation with Ambassador R.C. Wu and Director-General Tom Lee from Taipei Economic and Cultural Office at the Taiwan Pavilion Grand Opening, GLOBE [...]
Thanks for joining us at our annual tax update seminar. Joanne Liu gave a terrific overview of personal and corporate taxes! For more info, visit: Seminar photos now available: [...]
這次返台只有短暫五天 行程相當緊湊 但收穫良多!再次誠摯感謝經濟部外貿協會、僑委會、富邦集團、台灣大寬頻、凱擘大寬頻、momo 購物頻道及西園醫院醫療體系暨永越健康管理中心在台北的 熱情接待和意見交流! [...]